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Centrifugal Vacuum Electrostatic Powder Container Mixer For Thermoplast Materials Dispersing

container mixer is hopper recycling movable mixer with PLC process controlling ,The hopper filled with raw material will be automatically lifted and securely connected with the stirring head. Then The stirring head with the hopper will tilt together. Raw material is mixed homogonously during tilting.
  • FHJ


  • 8474


Pre-despatch Insepction Before Shipment As Optional

A. Venue: factory location in Yantai China

1. Buyer bears costs of airfare and hotel accommodation.

2. Seller is responsible for local transportation, hotel

accommodations and meals.

3. Seller shall notify buyer in writing 14 days in advance

to arrange for buyer to travel to Yantai for this inspection.

B. Acceptance Tests

1. Functional and Specifications Tests/inspection

These tests are to qualify each part of the machine, or machines by

verifying their functions. If possible, they will be done in adry

(w/o material/product being produce) mode. Each portion of

machine/components will be qualified individually. The

followings will be inspected and tested:

(1) Design per specifications

(2) Materials per specifications

(3) Functions per specifications

(4) Workmanship

2. Acceptance Test Run (ATR)

The ATR is to qualify the complete line. It is done by running the

complete line: premixed raw material fed in from IBC to extruder

feeder, and test product output from the sieve under the following


a) Test Product: A Standard white powder as per customersrequest

b) Test Duration: up to the customersrequest

c) Test Line Speed: approaching normal speed

d) Acceptance criteria

 (1) No unexpected machine deficiency related

interruption. If such interruption occurs during the

run, the ATR must be restarted from the beginning

after the deficiency is corrected.

(2) Product produced must meet related r specifications:

(a) Surface finish

(b) Mechanical properties

(c) Particle size distribution

(d) If this test is run on a site where testing

equipment is not available, determinations by the

customer running this test using visual and subjective tests is final.

(3) Process yield must be at a minimum of 98%

3. Color Change

a) A full color change including completely cleaning

the system is to be demonstrated

(1) Any unsatisfactory color change feature will be

recorded and an action plan derived

4. Re-start to run a different color (such as blue, to be

determined by buyer) Primid powder

a) Color cross contamination will be inspected

b) Acceptance criteria

(1) No color cross contamination or not etc.




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